Lesson 0 - Setting up fastai course and gotchas
Setting up conda, gothchas if jupyter notebook and basic of markdown
We use Conda to manage the Jupyter notebook and Fastai libraries
- Update conda
conda update conda
- List all the libs installed
conda list | grep "fastai"
- Update fastai
conda install -c fastai fastai
Lesson 0 Jupyter Notebooks
Command mode blue :blue_book:
Edit mode green :green_book:
B to create new cell
S to save
m convert cell to mark down in command mode
y convert cell to code mode
A to insert above
b to insert below
c copy
X cut
Z undo
Crtl + shift + - spilt cell at cursor
Shift + enter to run
There is a inbuilt terminal which you can launch from man directory (laggy with tunnelling)
- Markdown
- ‘*’ italics
- ‘**’ bold
- ‘`’ inline
- ‘>’ block quote
- [text](link) hyperlink
link with ‘[]’ and place the link adjacent to the text, surrounded with ‘()’